Sunday, April 24, 2005


Why is it that the New Yorker stuffs two loose subscription cards in every issue - on top of the two already bound in the magazine? I am a subscriber. I already have a subscription. If I want to renew or give a subscription to someone else, I can easily find and the bound ones. The others are just annoyances. They fall out at the most inopportune times, like when you're standing on a crowded subway holding onto the bar with one hand and the folded magazine with another, and you finagle a page flip to continue that really interesting article about twin-memory and a little piece of light cardboard goes sailing down to the floor, impossibly out of reach, even though you're the kind of person who can't fathom people who just drop garbage as they walk down the street, and now, just because you are reading the New Yorker on a crowded subway, you are one of those people. And, for what? Are the New Yorker target subscribers people who look for reading material on the subway floor?


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