Sunday, August 07, 2005

Digital Camera #2

My niece sat on my camera - she wasn't hurt, she has diaper padding, and it was more of a tap downwards in her constant struggle to stay balanced and upright. But the lens was extended and received the brunt of the pressure.

After a few email exchanges with tech support, and a more than a few attempts to get it functioning, it became clear that this was the end for my inaugural digital camera. (It even survived being dashed to the sidewalk in front of the White House!) I hadn't even realized it was over 2 and a half years old.

You can get so much more now, for a comparable amount of money. I did a bit of online research, but because I am an electronics obsessive (I have gadgetitis, my friend says) I had to re-structure my week so that I could get to J&R and pick one up. It has more settings than the other, and I am now playing with it wherever I go.


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