Saturday, September 03, 2005

I am so proud of myself.

I fixed my computer finally, ALL BY MYSELF. Really! First, let me clarify that I have been absolutely crazed trying to figure this out. I kept trying every possible trouble-shooting scenario I ever learned or was prompted to do by tech support, even when I didn't know what they were supposed to achieve. I did a system restore, reversed it, did another. I unplugged and replaced all my connections to the router, modem, etc. I looked at every single internet/network setting on my computer - pinged and net viewed along the way, even though I'm not sure what they showed me.

And, the verdict was... damn Internet Security. On a fluke, I just turned it off and EVERYTHING is working again. Internet browser, email, iTunes Music Store... Okay, I didn't LEAVE it off, I changed some of the settings and now all seems okay.

You don't know how relieved I am.

The cable company is still coming to look at the modem. It's working perfectly, of course, but last Saturday I had an appointment and cancelled it because it was working, and then it stopped. Of course. So I'm sticking it out this time. A nice friendly automated voice called me last night to tell me that they'd recently fixed a problem in my area, so if my service was back to normal, I could conceivably cancel my appointment. I chose not to - I'd rather have someone come here and verify that my problem isn't related to something else.

Long ago I promised this blog would NOT be all about my cable modem woes. Oops.


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