Tuesday, June 13, 2006

the real blast

The truth is my apprehension yesterday was less about the threat of audible explosions and more about a stressful family situation, which I can't really discuss here. 1)Because I don't discuss family business here, especially when it centers on someone else's privacy and 2)Because it's not happening to me, but to someone I care about, so I feel strange talking about it with people who don't know the other party. It's as if I'm co-opting others' pain to gain sympathy for myself.

Meanwhile, whether I can find someone to talk to about it or not, my heart breaks a little bit whenever I think about what they are going through.

I feel like I want to write a story - not about my family situation, or about the dynamite at ground zero, but about someone who is ostensibly dealing with one thing but really troubled by another. The overt/covert story, so to speak.


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