Wednesday, December 06, 2006


The technician showed it to me: a clean cut, recent. He didn't think it could be from my last service call a few months ago. Who the hell is fucking with my cable service? Is it directed at me, or just someone trying to steal from the cable company? I naturally think about my conversation with the store owner downstairs, who was expressing his frustration about not having high speed internet access and how the cable company wanted to charge him 3X as much because he's a business. I need to go downstairs and let him know what I've decided about giving him access to my wireless router, but I'm afraid if I do so now I'm going to wind up accusing him of hanky panky.

I don't care what people do - if they can sleep at night after stealing cable, fine - but if they do something that impacts another person? Like, say, ME? That's unforgiveable.


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