Monday, July 14, 2008

(More Than Ever)

So after I left the Metro North train the other night, I decided to walk to the subway that would deposit me closer to my apartment, rather than the one accessible through Grand Central tunnels. It turned out to be the wrong decision in part, as that particular train wasn't stopping in my neighborhood and I had to get out a stop earlier and hoof it far longer than if I'd taken the other option.

But, before I knew all of that, I walked out of Grand Central onto 42nd Street for the walk to Sixth Avenue, and I had one of those "This is why I love New York" rushes. The bright lights, the clear night sky, the familiar hum of traffic and street noise. I feel at home, more than I do in the suburban homes or farmhouses of my family members. Upstate, when I wander outside at night and hear the endless chirping of the peeper frogs and am dazzled by how many stars are visible in the pitch black sky, I think it's nice, but it's not home. I wouldn't chose it.

I haven't chosen it.


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